Announcing ... Disability Diaries!

Today, peeps, I have some very exciting news. The kind that calls for confetti, klaxons, and fanfares. Preferably on a bugle.

Wait - nobody has a bugle? I guess I'll just have to tell you without musical accompaniment.

You disappoint me, internet.

ANYWAY - I'm here to announce an event I'll be co-hosting at the beginning of next year. It's called Disability Diaries, and it's basically an extravaganza of disability-related reviews, discussions, personal posts ... and basically anything else we can think of that says what we want to say about disability in the book and blogging worlds.

This whole (may I say brilliant) idea is the brainchild of Ely @ Tea and Titles, and also hosting are Angel @ Angel Reads, Cee Arr @ Diary of a Reading Addict, Dina @ Dinasoaur, and Jolien @ The Fictional Reader. We're really, really excited - and we need YOUR help.

If you want to contribute with your own posts - and knowing how many brilliant conversations I've had with you guys about disability, I'm hoping you will - then please fill in the Google Form below. There's no need to sign up if you want to enjoy what we post and write on Twitter, but if you'd like to write your own stuff, this form lets us know who you are so we can keep track of and share your contributions.
That's all I'm going to say for now, since it's taking place on the 14th - 21st of January and that's a while off yet, but make sure you're following all of our blogs and Twitter feeds - we'll be making various little announcements as time goes on.

Also, if you don't trust me (or just want to get even more excited about the whole thing), you can read Ely, Angel, Cee Arr, Dina and Jolien's launch posts. I promise it's happening!

In the comments: Come squeal with me! What are you most excited about? Is there anything you'd like us to feature specifically?

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  1. I'm so excited for this! I'm participating, but I'm more excited to see other peoples' posts - it looks like it'll be an educational event for me! It's great to learn more about other perspectives and disabilities :)

    1. I'm so excited that you're excited! AND YES YOU'RE PARTICIPATING! *throws confetti at you in glee* We're all hoping that it'll be educational, tbh - I certainly can't wait to read all the other host posts, not to mention the contributor ones, because judging from the chat we've had it's all going to be so varied and awesome.

      Can't wait!


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